Accounting for you as
Discover a new dimension in accounting with Seewara, customised for you as a Journalist with mandatory accounting – without do-it-yourself software and without sole dependence on artificial intelligence.
The good news for you
As a freelancer without a business, you are exempt from the obligation to keep double-entry accounts under the Income Tax Act (EStG), regardless of turnover and profit. The principle of so-called simple bookkeeping applies to you.
Seewara is the best choice for you to have your bookkeeping done by professionals. Find out more about your field of activity and industry here.What you should know
Simple bookkeeping for businesses and the self-employed
Do you understand your accounting requirements? With Seewara, we offer a simple, transparent solution for businesses and the self-employed who want to keep track of their finances.
Who counts as a commercial enterprise?
Commercial enterprises include all companies that do not fall under the category of freelancers according to §18 EStG. This includes, for example, all commercial activities that are not exempt from the accounting obligation by law. Typical commercial enterprises are, for example, trading companies, craft businesses or limited liability companies (e.g. GmbH) that are either voluntarily or legally entered in the commercial register.
Limits for simple bookkeeping
Certain limits apply to commercial enterprises that are not required to keep accounts:
- Turnover limit: 800,000 euros
- Profit limit: 80,000 euros
If your business does not exceed these limits, you can use the simplified income statement (EÜR) instead of complex double-entry bookkeeping.
Self-employed persons according to Section 18 EStG
Self-employed persons who work in one of the catalogue professions are also affected by special regulations. The catalogue professions include, among others:
- Artistic activities
- Scientific activities
- Teaching and writing activities
- Educational activities
These professions are mentioned in the exhaustive list of §18 EStG and are considered to be self-employed regardless of the level of income.
Less bureaucracy, more freedom
Whether you are a tradesperson or self-employed – with our simple accounting solution, you can keep track of everything and save yourself unnecessary bureaucracy. Get in touch with us to customise your bookkeeping to your needs!
What do you actually do as a Journalist?
A journalist is a professional who researches, writes and publishes information to inform the public about current events, issues and developments. The duties and responsibilities of a journalist include:
- Research: Journalists gather information from a variety of sources, including interviews, public records, press releases and online research, to produce in-depth reports.
- Interviews: They conduct interviews with experts, witnesses, affected parties or other relevant people to get different perspectives on an issue.
- Article writing: Journalists write news articles, features, opinion pieces or reports that are clear, concise and engaging.
- Fact-checking: They check the accuracy of the information they use to ensure that their reporting is credible and reliable.
- Editing: Journalists edit their writing to improve it, shorten it or make sure it conforms to the publication’s style guidelines.
- Reporting: They report on current events, whether political, economic, cultural, sporting or social, and convey the most important information to readers, viewers or listeners.
- Multimedia production: In today’s media landscape, journalists often produce content for multiple platforms, including print, online, radio and television, using a variety of media formats such as text, photos, video and audio.
- Crisis reporting: They report on emergencies, crises or significant events, often under pressure to provide up-to-date information quickly.
- Ethics and responsibility: Journalists adhere to journalistic standards and ethical guidelines to ensure impartiality, fairness and accuracy in their reporting.
- Engagement with the public: They interact with the readership via social media and other platforms to receive feedback and encourage dialogue.
Overall, a journalist plays a crucial role in a democratic society by providing information that enables citizens to make informed decisions and by acting as a check on institutions and power structures.