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How is the remuneration regulated?
Partnership-based use of the cloud software and commission model
As a service provider, you use our cloud software to efficiently manage, offer and distribute your services to your customers. Using this platform not only provides you with modern tools and technologies, but also a direct connection to a broad customer base, which is where the majority of your revenue is generated.
To provide and continuously improve this platform, we charge a fair commission on sales generated through booked service packages and add-ons. This commission covers the costs of infrastructure, support, security standards and the ongoing development of new features that support your business success. Use the fee calculator to determine the revenue potential for your own expected performance.
Your benefits at a glance:
- Access to a modern and scalable cloud software: Manage your services efficiently and offer your customers a first-class experience.
- Direct revenue generation: Reach new customers and maximise your revenue through our platform.
- Fair commission approach: We charge a commission for our services and for continuously optimising the platform, which is transparently displayed in your dashboard.
- Automatic settlement: Fees are automatically paid out to you based on monthly collective credits for your clients, thanks to the account details you have provided. All you have to do is focus on taking care of your clients’ accounting in a professional manner.
- Legal framework as a template: Together with leading commercial law firms, we have created a legal framework that is available as a non-binding template for you to work for your clients on this comprehensive, legally secure contractual basis. The legal framework is preset, but you can replace it at any time with your own individual contractual documents for each client. If you use the legal framework, the individual documents created in the network will be automatically mirrored to the accounts of your clients, so you can be sure of the acceptance and legal basis of your services.
You decide completely independently and without our influence how many clients you want to serve. You can deactivate visibility to new clients at any time in order to concentrate on your existing business. If you suddenly have capacity available, you can reactivate visibility and thus convince further clients of your services.
Your services are legally regulated on the basis of ‘Posting current business transactions in financial accounting in accordance with § 6 No. 3 and § 6 No. 4 StBerG’.
Through this partnership-based cooperation, we offer you the opportunity to fully concentrate on your core competencies while we provide the technology and infrastructure to ensure your long-term success.